Student Services
Important Links
Guidance Teachers
Guidance Counsellors are available to answer questions related to timetables, career planning, personal and social issues, special educational needs, and to suggest possible referrals to appropriate school personnel and outside agencies.
Guidance Teacher Team:
A-C: Jonathan Schouten
D-H: Randy Baird
I-Maz: Cindy Zwolak
Mc-R: Maureen Mercer
S-Z: Nancy Kawaja
The 7/8 Resource Room is a place where students can drop in to ask a question, print a document, borrow a book, or just sit quietly for a few minutes. Resource teachers support students with an IEP according to their needs. Resource teachers work closely as a team with students, classroom teachers and parents to ensure that each child has the best experience possible at our school.
7/8 Resource:, Meg McGarry, Curtis McKay, Emily MacPhearson, Amanda Daigler
The High School Resource Room encourages all exceptional students to take advantage of one-on-one support, signing out a laptop or finding a quiet spot to work in an inclusive environment. We encourage students to be prepared, communicate their needs, and take responsibility for their learning. We facilitate an environment that supports individuals to achieve success along their educational journeys and help them transition to post-secondary education. We encourage students to acquire the skills needed for lifelong learning.
High School Resource: Colin Murphy, Julie Favreau, Natalie Henry, Lisa Kennedy
Student Success - Allison Camilucci
Inclusion Resource
The Inclusion Resource Room provides support for exceptional students to be fully integrated into the school community. Based on their individual learning needs and abilities, all students will receive support that fosters a culture of commitment to achievement (Special Education Transformation, 2006). Using a team approach, including classroom teachers, Inclusion resource teachers and Educational Assistants, appropriate programming (i.e. modifications and accommodations) is developed and implemented for each student so they can reach their potential.
Inclusion Teachers: Danielle Graham and Erin Duncan
High School Achievement Centre
The High School Achievement Centre is a support mechanism in place for students who may be struggling with their credits and need further assistance in order to graduate, including catch-up after an absence. The program consists of a variety of supports including credit recovery, access to experiential learning opportunities and flexible scheduling.
Achievement Centre: Allison Camilucci, Matthew D'Angelo, Karen Spindler
Co-operative Education
Co-operative Education is a method of learning that allows students to earn secondary school credits while completing a work placement in the community. It allows students to participate in valuable learning experiences that help prepare them for the next stage of their lives, whether in apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, or the workplace.
Co-operative Education: Susan Tourigny, Ryan McCloskey, Nichole Walsh
Please submit your completed Community Service Hours form to the Student Services office.
Students may start earning their community service house at the beginning of their grade 9 year (the summer before grade 9). All students must complete 40 hours of community involvement as a graduation requirement. The OCSB website addresses questions about this requirement and provides ideas for volunteer opportunities across the city: Community Service Opportunities.
As well, please read the daily announcements, as we have the Volunteer Opportunities page that we try to keep updated with any local volunteer opportunities.
Young Worker Safety:
Rights at Work
Parenting Young Workers
Peer Support Programs
Peer Mentor
Complete the PEER MENTOR APPLICATION FORM to sign up now!
The Peer Mentor program is similar to a Big Brother/Big Sister program where senior high school students mentor a younger student. Peer Mentors are very much like a friend lending support, socially or organizationally. The Peer Mentor Coordinator matches a high school student with a grade 7 or 8 student. Once the match between the Peer Mentor and student is made, a suitable schedule is determined by the Peer Mentor Coordinator. The Mentor and student may meet once or twice a week for twenty minutes, on school property. Students may request a Peer Mentor for themselves by speaking with their Guidance Counsellor or teachers. Teachers, parents or administrators may ask that a student be assigned a Peer Mentor. Teachers, counsellor or administrators may nominate or recommend a high school student to the Peer Mentor Coordinator or students can apply themselves. Training and orientation will be provided by Student Services.
Peer Mentor Co-ordinator: Maureen Mercer
Peer Ambassadors
One of the first people new Grade 7 students meet at Sacred Heart is a Peer Ambassador. Sometimes they even meet them while they are still in Grade 6, touring Sacred Heart for the first time. Our enthusiastic Peer Ambassadors welcome new students at the welcome BBQ and throughout the year. They build community in whole-school initiatives such as Bullying Awareness Week and Kindness Week. They are ambassadors at school open houses and community events. Along the way, Peer Ambassadors gain valuable leadership skills.
Peer Ambassador Co-ordinator: Deanna Ebner
In order to answer the needs of students at Sacred Heart who have expressed the desire to have some tutoring in subjects in which they are experiencing difficulty, students can request a peer tutor. While adults have specialized skills and knowledge, young people often learn best from someone who shares their perspective of the world. “The Peer Tutoring Program” offers affordable academic help for students while providing valuable experience to older students who already possess strong academic skills in a particular subject. Applications to request or become a peer tutor are returned to the Guidance Office. NOTE: Student tutors charge $15/hour.
Responsibilities for Tutoring - Please read before filling out the request and application.
Request to Receive a Peer Tutor (must be from a school account)
Application to Become a Peer Tutor (must be from a school account)
The Guidance Office also provides a list of professional and adult tutors. This list contains names of individuals, as well as organizations. Parents are asked to contact these individuals directly. As each student has individual needs that must be met, we encourage parents to interview potential tutors to ensure that their child's individual needs are met.
Professional/Adult Tutors List
NOTE: Professional/Adult tutors rates vary.
Department emails
A-C: Jonathan Schouten
D-H: Randy Baird
I-Maz: Cindy Zwolak
Mc-R: Maureen Mercer
S-Z: Nancy Kawaja
Office Administrator: Angele Dupont
Achievement Centre:
Allison Camilucci, Matthew D'Angelo, and Karen Spindler
Student Success: Allison Camilucci
Resource (HS):
Colin Murphy (A-D), Julie Favreau (E-K), Natalie Henry (L-P), Lisa Kennedy (Q-Z )
Resource (7/8): Meg McGarry, Curtis McKay, Amanda Daigeler, Emily MacPherson
Co-operative Education: Susan Tourigny, Ryan McCloskey, Nichole Walsh