Construction SHSM at Sacred Heart

The Construction SHSM offers students an invaluable opportunity to discover and channel their unique skills and abilities into careers in construction including carpenter, engineer, plumber, drywall installer, HVAC installer and many other exciting areas.

Through the Construction SHSM Program, students will be invited to:

Credit Requirements

The Construction SHSM program has credit options for every pathway (workplace, apprenticeship, college, university)

Major Credits (4)

Students will choose any FOUR of the major courses (at least one in grade 11, at least one in grade 12, and the other two in grade 11 or 12. (Some grade 12 courses have a grade 11 prerequisite course. Consult your guidance counsellor or the OCSB course descriptions for more information.)

Grade 11

AVI3M/O - Visual Arts

SPH3U - Physics

TCJC/E - Construction

TDH3M/O - Design

TMC3C - Manufacturing

TTJ3C - Transportation

TWJ3C/E - Woodworking

Grade 12

AVI4M - Visual Arts

CGW4U - World Issues

SPH4U - Physics

TCJ4C/E - Construction

TDJ4C/E - Design 

TJ4C/E - Transportation

TWJ4C/E - Wood Working

Co-operative Education (2)

Students will take at least 2 co-op credits (in grade 11 or grade 12, or in the summer if it does not fit otherwise), which must be linked to industry trade. Additional Co-op credits may be used to replace one major credit.

Other Compulsory Credits - 

Apprenticeship, College or University Pathway (6)

Choose 1 from each of the options listed.     

* a CLA must be included in the course.

ENG3E / ENG3C / ENG3U - English*

OLC4O / ENG4E / ENG4C / ENG4U - English

MEL3E / MBF3C / MCF3M / MCR3U - Math*

MAP4C / MDM4U / MHF4U / MCV4U - Math*

Either Business or Science


Other Compulsory Credits - 

Workplace Pathway (5)

 Choose 1 from each of the options listed. 

   * a CLA must be included in the course.


OLC4O / ENG4E / ENG4C / ENG4U - English*

MEL3E / MBF3C / MCF3M / MCR3U - Math*

Either Business or Science


The Specialist High Skills Major program in Construction gives students an opportunity to specialize, gain qualifications, and plan a career pathway in various areas of the Construction sector while still in high school.

The SHSM program is open to all students at no cost. Although the program begins in grade 11, grade 9 and 10 students should plan ahead to be part of this program to complete prerequisite courses. Student should denote their interest through their course selection in myBlueprint and should speak with their Guidance counsellor.

Don't just graduate with a diploma ... graduate with a résumé!